10 Best Survival Food Kits (2022 Update) Buyer’s Guide

Natural disasters seem to be occurring more and more frequently. There has never been a better time to be prepared for a disaster of some sort.Survival food kits are a great item that can be stored long term and give you peace of mind. In fact the current state of the world provides ideal conditions for devastating natural disasters (1).

There are more people than ever living in more dangerous places than ever. Deforestation has made mountainsides breeding grounds for flash floods and landslides and warmer oceans are breeding more powerful hurricanes. The bottom line is that virtually nowhere is safe these days from disaster of some sort. The best we can do is make sure we and those we care about are ready. (more…)

10 Best Concealed Carry Holster’s (2022 Update) Buyer’s Guide

Once you purchase your handgun and decide on concealed carry the next question becomes “Which holster is right for you?” There are a lot of them on the market. And many of them do a fairly good job enabling you to carry your firearm in a safe and discreet manner. But all concealed carry holsters are not created equal. And “fairly good” should never be good enough when it comes to something so important.

With holsters it’s not as simple as getting what you pay for either. There are expensive holsters that are a cumbersome mess. And inexpensive holsters that cradle you firearm in a way that enables both safe and discreet carry and fast and effective deployment. So how do you know which is which? Well, you continue on and read our list of the 10 best concealed carry holsters, that’s how. (more…)

10 Best Jump Starter’s (2022 Update) Buyer’s Guide

Remember the good old days? You’d spend an hour shoveling out your car the morning after a heavy snow storm, get in, turn the key and… nothing would happen. Just a pathetic little clicking sound. At that point you’d go inside to the telephone and dial up the local tow truck operator. He’d then put you on his list and a couple of hours later he’d jump start your car for a hundred bucks. Where have those good old days gone? Right? Wrong!

In hindsight those good old days sucked and if we never see the tow truck driver and his fat roll of C-notes again we’ll die happy. Today we have jump starter kits that can be stowed in the trunk and easily put into service in an emergency. In just a matter of minutes the car can be humming along and you get to keep that 100 bucks to spend on your upcoming ski trip.

Below we’ve brought together the 10 best jump starters of 2021. (more…)

Vaultek VT20i

10 Best Gun Safes (2022 Update) Buyer’s Guide

Keeping your guns safe and secure is one of the most important parts of being a gun owner.  You want to ensure the safety of those that are in your household at all times, including children and visitors.  Finding the right gun safe should be one of the main priorities if you plan on keeping them in your home.

There are many different shapes and sizes of gun safes, from small one gun compartments to huge multi-rifle configurations.  The size and overall quality will depend on how many guns you own and where you plan on placing the gun safe for your family’s safety.

Let’s take a look at the Top 10 Gun Safes on the market today.  We’ll give you options in every size and shape you can imagine to help you decide what is exactly the right fit for you. (more…)