Whole-home generators can be an effective means of guaranteeing electricity during a crisis. Before making a decision to install one, it’s important to understand the details of whole house generators, such as their cost and benefits, and how best to maintain them. Additionally, you should know why having a whole house generator is beneficial and how best to maintain it for long-term use. In this blog post we’ll explore all aspects of whole house generators so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not one will be right for your home.

What is a Whole House Generator?

A Whole House Generator is a necessity for any prepper or outdoorsman who wishes to be prepared in the event of a power outage, as it supplies electricity to an entire home instead of just one appliance. A whole house generator is a type of power supply that can provide energy to an entire dwelling, as opposed to just one device or machine. Unlike portable generators, which are designed for short-term use and require frequent refueling, whole house generators are connected directly to your home’s natural gas line and provide continuous backup power.

Having a whole house generator installed offers peace of mind, safeguarding your home against potential damage due to lack of power such as food spoilage and flooding. Having a whole house generator in place provides assurance that you can keep functioning even if the power goes out for your entire area. With a whole house generator installed, you can be sure that vital appliances like refrigerators, freezers, sump pumps and HVAC systems will continue to function during an outage. Keywords: Peace of Mind; Safeguard; Damage; Lack of Power; Essential Appliances; Refrigerators; Freezers; Sump Pumps; HVAC Systems

For those who rely heavily on their electrical systems, an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) model is a great option. This type of generator will monitor the amount of load on your home’s power system so it can automatically adjust accordingly without interruption when needed. It also eliminates the need to turn off the main breaker each time you require additional energy capacity – making life that much easier. Keywords: Automatically Adjust; Need Eliminated; Life Easier

Investing in a whole house generator now could prevent potential losses due to power outages.

Installing a whole house generator can provide peace of mind and protection from power outages, making it an ideal choice for outdoorsmen, preppers, and hunters. Moving on to the next heading we will discuss how much it costs to install a whole house generator.

Key Takeaway: Investing in a whole house generator now could be the key to safeguarding your home from potential damage due to lack of power and avoiding significant losses later on. An Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) model is an ideal option, as it can automatically adjust according to load requirements without interruption, eliminating the need for manual switching off each time.

How Much Does it Cost to Install a Whole House Generator?

Installing a whole house generator is an important decision for any homeowner, and it’s essential to understand the cost of installation before making that commitment. Factors such as size, type, and location all affect the overall cost of installing a whole house generator. The cost of installing a whole house generator can vary widely, ranging from $2,000 to $7,500 depending on size, type and location. Fortunately, there are several ways homeowners can reduce their costs when installing a whole-house generator.

The first factor affecting the cost of installation is the size of the generator needed to power your home. Whole-house generators come in various sizes ranging from small portable units up to large standby generators capable of powering entire homes during extended power outages. Smaller units are more affordable than larger models but may not be able to supply enough energy for some medium-sized homes or those with multiple essential appliances running at once.

With their increased complexity and the need to be connected into your existing wiring system correctly, standby generators tend to come at a heftier price tag than portable units. However, they offer reliable backup power without requiring constant attention and manual setup each time they are used like portables do – making them more suitable for long-term usage as part of your home’s electrical system rather than occasional emergency backup. Moreover, with proper load management in place, you can ensure that if activated unexpectedly during maintenance or other issues it won’t cause any damage within the household.

Installing a whole house generator can be expensive, but there are ways to reduce the cost. Realizing the reasons for obtaining a whole house generator and its benefits can assist you in deciding if this is an advantageous expenditure for your residence.

Key Takeaway: Installing a whole house generator can be expensive, but there are ways to save money by considering the size and type of unit needed. Standby generators tend to have a higher price tag due to their complexity, however they offer reliable backup power that requires less maintenance than portable units – making them worth the investment in the long run.

Why Do I Need a Whole House Generator?

For those seeking to safeguard their home and family, investing in a whole house generator is an invaluable decision. Not only can it keep your lights on, but it can also provide vital emergency services such as powering medical equipment or keeping food cold during extended periods without electricity. Additionally, a whole house generator will increase the value of your property by providing peace of mind that you have reliable backup power when needed.

Advantages of Having a Standby Generator:

A standby generator provides several advantages over portable generators which include automatic activation when utility power fails, higher fuel efficiency, quieter operation, longer run times due to larger fuel tanks and more powerful engines. Standby generators are more convenient to take care of, since they don’t have to be transferred or refilled as frequently as the portable ones do. Furthermore, having a standby generator ensures that you won’t have any gaps in service during prolonged outages as they automatically switch over from utility power to back-up power with no interruption in service.

Without a standby generator, extended outages caused by natural disasters such as hurricanes or ice storms can leave you without essential services and vulnerable to costly repairs due to lack of cooling for appliances. During these types of events essential services may be unavailable leaving you without access to basic necessities such as food and water until the situation improves again. In addition, some appliances such as refrigerators may become damaged due to lack of cooling resulting in costly repairs later on down the line. Furthermore, not having access to electricity can put additional strain on other household items like flashlights and batteries which will require frequent replacement should there be long-term outages caused by extreme weather conditions.

Having a generator for the home can give assurance that your loved ones and property will be secure during an unexpected situation. Now, let’s explore how to properly maintain and care for this important investment.

Key Takeaway: Investing in a standby generator is an intelligent move for any prepper, as it provides reliable backup power and peace of mind during extended outages. It’s also more fuel efficient than portable generators and offers automatic activation when utility power fails – giving you the assurance that your home or business won’t be left in the dark should disaster strike.

Maintenance and Care for Your Whole House Generator

Regular maintenance of your whole house generator is essential to ensure it runs properly and efficiently when needed. Carrying out appropriate upkeep tasks regularly is necessary, depending on the kind of generator you possess. For instance, if you have a diesel-powered unit, then checking the oil levels and fuel filters should be done every month or two. For gasoline-powered models, spark plugs and air filters should be changed at least annually. Additionally, all generators need to have their batteries tested annually to make sure they are still functioning properly.

Diagnosing any issues with your generator promptly is key to avoiding unnecessary downtime or costly repairs. Common problems include low oil pressure from inadequate lubrication, faulty spark plugs that may need replacing, clogged air filters hindering airflow, dirty fuel injectors leading to poor combustion, and corroded battery terminals resulting in reduced power output from starter motors. To ensure optimal performance of your whole house generator, it’s important to stay on top of regular maintenance tasks such as checking the oil levels and fuel filters (for diesel models), changing out the spark plugs and air filter (for gasoline models), and testing the batteries annually.

Safety precautions when operating your generator are also very important for ensuring its safe use both indoors and outdoors. Always make sure that any exhaust fumes produced by your unit are directed away from living areas or open windows where people could inhale them directly into their lungs; carbon monoxide poisoning can occur quickly under these conditions. Furthermore, always keep combustible materials such as gasoline away from any sparks generated by your machine; this includes keeping a fire extinguisher nearby just in case something goes wrong during operation. Finally, never operate any electrical appliances while using a portable generator unless they’re specifically designed for this purpose; otherwise you risk overloading circuits or damaging sensitive electronics components inside them.

Key Takeaway: Regular maintenance and safety precautions are key to keeping your whole house generator running optimally, so it’s important to stay on top of tasks such as checking oil levelsfuel filters (diesel models) or spark plugsair filter (gasoline models), plus testing the batteries annually. Additionally, exhaust fumes should always be directed away from living areas and combustible materials kept clear of sparks during operation for safe use both indoors and outdoors.

FAQs in Relation to Whole House Generator

Are whole house generators a good idea?

They provide more than enough energy for all of the electrical needs in your home, from lights and appliances to air conditioning and heating systems. Whole house generators are also easy to maintain, with regular servicing intervals that keep them running efficiently over time. With proper installation and maintenance, whole house generators can provide peace of mind in any situation.


Whole house generators provide a reliable source of power in the event of an emergency. Whole house generators can be conveniently set up to provide energy for critical appliances, such as fridges, air conditioners, sump pumps and security systems. Additionally, they offer peace of mind that your home will remain powered even if there is an extended outage due to storms or other events.


Whole house generators require regular maintenance which can be expensive depending on the type chosen. In addition, these types of generators typically produce more noise than portable models so it may not be suitable for some residential areas where noise levels need to remain low. Lastly, whole house generator installation costs tend to be higher than those associated with smaller units since they often require additional wiring work from a professional electrician or contractor.

What to know before buying a whole house generator?

When deciding on a whole house generator, take into account the size of your home and power requirements as well as fuel source efficiency, local noise regulations, and installation specifications. You should also research what type of fuel source would be most efficient for your needs. Additionally, look into local regulations regarding noise levels and installation requirements. Lastly, read reviews on different models to ensure that you are getting a quality product with reliable customer service in case of any issues down the road.

What are common problems with Generac generators?

Common problems with Generac generators include inadequate fuel supply, improper installation and maintenance, insufficient air flow around the generator, incorrect voltage settings, clogged filters or spark plugs, and failure to perform a pre-startup check. Fuel supply issues can be caused by low levels of gasoline in the tank or an improperly connected fuel line. Improper setup may result in hazardous conditions, for example carbon monoxide poisoning from inadequate ventilation. Inadequate air circulation can result in the motor becoming too hot, potentially leading to harm of internal components. Incorrect voltage settings may cause power surges that could damage sensitive electronics plugged into the generator’s outlets. Clogged filters or spark plugs will reduce performance significantly while failing to perform a pre-startup check could prevent identifying any potential issues before use begins.


Having a whole house generator is an important investment for any prepper, outdoorsman or hunter. Not only does it provide peace of mind in the event of an emergency, but also can save you money on electricity bills due to its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Regular upkeep and attention are necessary to ensure that your whole house generator remains operational for a prolonged period. It’s essential that you understand how much it costs to install one as well as why exactly you need one before making this kind of purchase decision so make sure that all your questions are answered before investing in a new whole house generator.

If you are a prepper, emergency preparedness enthusiast, or an outdoors person looking for the best solution to power your home during unexpected outages and disasters, consider investing in a whole house generator. Our selection of generators will provide reliable energy when you need it most.