10 Best Water Purification Tablets (2022) Buyer’s Guide

Water purification tablets are an easy and convenient way to make sure the drinking water you pull from that mountain stream won’t come back to haunt you. Even the most tranquil and idyllic looking water source can harbor a plethora of microbial nasties intent on wreaking havoc. So it’s important to have some way to ensure they don’t.

Of course, hikers and campers aren’t the only ones who might need to purify water before they drink it. Soldiers, those enduring the aftermath of a natural disaster and those working for NGOs in underdeveloped countries also need to be careful about what goes in their canteen or nalgene bottle. Below, we’ve brought together the 10 best water purification tablets currently available. (more…)

10 Best Tourniquets (Update 2022) Buyer’s Guide

Today the tourniquet is used for a variety of life-saving reasons and is a must piece of emergency equipment for rescue workers, forward deployed military, EMTs, climbers and yes, homeowners.

The basic idea of preventing blood flow in one part of the body to save either life or limb goes back to our prehistoric ancestors. During medieval times the idea of the tourniquet underwent a slight revision and became primarily a tool to constrict blood flow in order to facilitate amputations. During the 18th century a French surgeon named Jean Louis Petit invented a modified version of this ancient device and gave it the name ‘tourniquet’. The word is derived from the word ‘turnstile’ due to the turning motion of the windlass.(1)

Below are the 10 best tourniquets on the market today. (more…)

10 Best Chainsaws (2022 Update) Buyer’s Guide

The chainsaw has been around for more than a century (1). In that time it’s become an invaluable tool for landscapers, homeowners, construction companies and of course, the modern lumberjack. They allow for the fast, effective clearing of trees for roadwork, home construction and more. They enable landscapers to prune in a quick, effective manner.

They take the toil out of the preparation of firewood and they make the entire timber industry possible. They’re simple in concept, compact in design and affordably priced. And without them storm restoration would be a much more difficult process. Below, we’ve brought together the 10 best chainsaws currently on the market for your consideration. (more…)

10 Best Backpacking Sleeping Bags (2022 Update) Buyer’s Guide

Backpacking is one of the most comprehensive workouts a person can do (1). Successful backpacking relies heavily on a few foundational pieces of gear: hiking boots, a good backpack and a great backpacking sleeping bag.

Without the right boots every step will be harder than it needs to be. Without the right backpack hiking for hours on end will become a painful ordeal. And without the right sleeping bag you won’t be able to get the restful sleep you need to continue on with your adventure in a safe, enjoyable manner.

We’ve looked at hundreds of sleeping bags and whittled our choices down to the following 10 which we believe represent the best backpacking sleeping bags on the market today. (more…)