Top 20 Survival Tips (2023 Update)
The enlightened survivalist/prepper/outdoorsman is nothing if not flexible. Whether you’re faced with the apocalypse or a hunting accident transcending difficulty calls for quick thinking and the ability to improvise. Preppers all hope their years of careful preparation will pay off if the SHTF. But in truth, there is no way of telling exactly how much S will HTF and what form it will take. So an open mind and the ability to think on one’s feet is essential.
The following survival hacks and tips represent a cross-section of our own ideas and those gleaned from others over the years. It’s not a comprehensive list since, again, who’s to say what form your particular challenge will take? But these hacks should be enough to at least get you thinking in non-linear terms. So here they are, the 20 best survival hacks/tips for 2021. (more…)