10 Best Hot Tents (2024 Update) Buyer’s Guide

Every experienced outdoorsman understands one cardinal rule when it comes to gas stoves: don’t bring your stove inside the tent. Stoves release carbon monoxide that can, and often does, result in death for campers who were just trying to stay warm.

The one exception to the rule is the hot tent. The hot tent is not a new idea (armies have been using the hot tent forever) but it is only recently that it has gained significant traction in the civilian camping space.

The hot tent allows you to bring a wood stove into your tent and safely vent smoke and carbon monoxide to the outdoors through a stovepipe. The effect is to create your own private winter lodge right in the middle of the forest. Nice. Below are the best hot tent options for 2024 (more…)

Best Slingshots (Update 2022) Buyer’s Guide

Slingshots(or wrist rockets) are a very effective survival weapon and can be used for many things. They can be very accurate and are easy to use.

There are literally hundreds of slingshots on the market today so finding one that’s right for your needs can be a little like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack.

In order to simplify things for you we’ve done the footwork and that we feel set the standard for slingshot effectiveness, durability and overall value.


10 Best AK47’s (2023 Update) Buyer’s Guide

The AK47 is, by any objective measure, the most successful rifle ever produced. Nearly 1 in 10 firearms in the world today is an AK47 or some variant of it. That amounts to approximately 100 million AK47s.

Mihail Kalashnikov’s rifle attained such immense popularity for several simple reasons. First, it’s reliable as the sunrise. Second, it requires very little maintenance. And third, it’s cheap. As a bonus it also fires a larger round than the more expensive M16/AR15.

While the AK47 has gained a reputation as the scumbag’s weapon of choice, that is not the gun’s fault, nor the designer’s. The fact is, the AK47 does exactly what it was designed to do: provide a low-cost, reliable way to spray bullets in the direction of the enemy.

Today, the AK47 and its variants are produced in more than 30 countries, including the US. And while it will never be the sniper’s favorite, it may be considered the people’s favorite considering how many are in circulation.

Below are the 10 best AK47s you can legally buy in the US. (more…)